
This section documents the various software dependencies of the BusKill App.

Note that our releases are self-contained executables that already include these dependencies, so you do not need to install them on your machine to run the BusKill software. This documentation is for informational purposes only.

All Platforms

The following software is a dependency for the BusKill app on all our releases for all platforms.

  1. python (PSF)

  2. GnuPG (GPL-3+)

We also depend on the following python modules

  1. gnupg (BSD)

  2. kivy (MIT)

We also use the following python modules, which are built-into python

  1. argparse

  2. logging

  3. sys

  4. multiprocessing

  5. threading

  6. subprocess

  7. tempfile

  8. platform

  9. os

  10. re

  11. math

  12. random

  13. distutils

  14. hashlib

  15. webbrowser

  16. textwrap

  17. shutil

  18. traceback

  19. pickle

  20. urllib

  21. certifi

  22. json

  23. tarfile

  24. zipfile


The following software is a dependency for the BusKill app only in the Linux builds.

We also depend on the following python modules

  1. libusb1 (LGPLv2+)


The following software is a dependency for the BusKill app only in the Windows builds.

And we also use the following python modules, which are built-into python

  1. ctypes

  2. win32api

  3. win32con

  4. win32gui


The following software is a dependency for the BusKill app only in the MacOS builds.

  1. gettext (GPL-3+)

We also depend on the following python modules

  1. libusb1 (LGPLv2+)

And we also use the following python modules, which are built-into python

  1. ctypes