Source code for buskill_gui

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7

  Authors: Michael Altfield <>
  Created: 2020-06-23
  Updated: 2020-06-23
  Version: 0.1

This is the code to launch the BusKill GUI app

For more info, see:

#                                   IMPORTS                                    #

import buskill
import webbrowser

import kivy
#kivy.require('1.0.6') # replace with your current kivy version !

from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import ObjectProperty

from kivy.core.window import Window
Window.size = ( 480, 800 )

from kivy.config import Config
Config.set('kivy', 'exit_on_escape', '0')
Config.set('input', 'mouse', 'mouse,multitouch_on_demand')

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

#                                  SETTINGS                                    #

# n/a

#                                   CLASSES                                    #

[docs]class MainWindow(BoxLayout): toggle_btn = ObjectProperty(None) status = ObjectProperty(None)
[docs] def toggleBusKill(self): buskill.toggle() if buskill.isArmed(): self.toggle_btn.text = 'Disarm' self.status.text = 'BusKill is currently armed.' self.toggle_btn.background_color = [1,0,0,1] else: self.toggle_btn.text = 'Arm' self.status.text = 'BusKill is currently disarmed.' self.toggle_btn.background_color = [1,1,1,1]
[docs]class CriticalError(BoxLayout): msg = ObjectProperty(None)
[docs] def showError( self, msg ): self.msg.text = msg
[docs] def fileBugReport( self ): # TODO: make this a redirect on so old versions aren't tied # to '' )
[docs]class BusKill(App): buskill.init()
[docs] def close( self, *args ): buskill.close()
[docs] def build(self): buskill.init() # is the OS that we're running on supported? if buskill.isPlatformSupported(): # yes, this platform is supported; show the main window Window.bind( on_request_close = self.close ) return MainWindow() else: # the current platform isn't supported; show critical error window msg = buskill.ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED print( msg ); logging.error( msg ) crit = CriticalError() crit.showError( buskill.ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED ) return crit