Source code for buskill_cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3.7

  Authors: Michael Altfield <>
  Created: 2020-06-23
  Updated: 2020-06-23
  Version: 0.1

This is the code to handle the BusKill app via CLI

For more info, see:

#                                   IMPORTS                                    #

import buskill
import argparse, sys, platform

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

#                                  SETTINGS                                    #

# n/a

#                                 FUNCTIONS                                    #

[docs]def BusKillCLI(): #################### # HANDLE ARGUMENTS # #################### # we use ArgmentParser to handle the user's command-line arguents parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "buskill", description = 'App for arming and configuring BusKill.' ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--arm", help="Arms BusKill", action="store_true" ) # process command-line arguments args = parser.parse_args() ############# # MAIN BODY # ############# buskill.init() # is the OS that we're running on supported? if not buskill.isPlatformSupported(): # the current platform isn't supported; show critical error window msg = buskill.ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED print( msg ); logging.error( msg ) sys.exit(1) if args.arm: buskill.toggle() else: msg = "Nothing to do." print( msg ); logging.warning( msg ) return 0